go ahead
just leave
can’t hold you, you’re free
you take all these things
if they mean so much to you
I gave you your dreams
’cause you meant the world
so did I deserve to be left here hurt
you think I don’t know
you’re out of control
I ended up finding all of this from my boys
girl you’re stone cold
you say it ain’t so
you already know I’m not attached to material
I give it all up, but I’m taking back my love,
I’m taking back my love,
I’m taking back my love,
I’ve given you too much,
but I’m taking back my love,
I’m taking back my love, my love, my love, my love, my love
what did I do?
but give love to you
I’m just confused
as I stand here and look at you
from head to feet
all that’s not me
go ahead keep the keys
that’s not what I need from you
you think that you know
(I do)
you made yourself cold
(oh yeah)
how could you believe them
over me I’m your girl
you’re out of control
(so what)
how could you let go
(oh yeah)
don’t you know I’m not attached to material
Song words are provided by Geniusbeauty.com
I give it all up, but I’m taking back my love,
I’m taking back my love,
I’m taking back my love,
I’ve given you too much,
but I’m taking back my love,
I’m taking back my love, my love, my love
so all this love, I gave you take it away
you think material’s the reason I came
if I had nothing would u want me to stay?
you keep your money take it all away
I give it all up, but I’m taking back my love,
I’m taking back my love,
I’m taking back my love,
I’ve given you too much,
but I’m taking back my love,
I’m taking back my love, my love, my love, my love, my love
اگر دوست داری از امکانات بیشتری استفاده کنید، از تکنولوژی روز در بلاگ خود بهره برید و آن را به سایت تبدیل کنید، به سایت زیر مراجعه کنید.
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از اینکه یک بار از این سیستم استفاده میکنید، ممنون.
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